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Determinational, My Book!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Yeah I'm A Badass. Now, What To Wear?

This blog hiatus has been fabulous for me. I've had some time to get my mind peaced out and back in the game. Since I last wrote, I've been horseback riding, camping, hung out a few times at a boxing gym, gained mad muscle, and have done a hell of a lot of training for the awesome New Orleans Rock'n'Roll Half Marathon coming up February 2nd. Well-trained? Maybe not so much, it's hard to find time to walk the long distances because it takes me so dang long and frankly I get bored. But heck I'm working hard and cross training a lot, walking as much as time allows, plus I'm a STUD. So it's going to ROCK. I plan a 30 min/mi pace so we'll see.

Totally stoked - the Competitor Group has been really great about letting me start early and they're incredibly supportive. They really have been crazy amazing, no lie. People flying in and helping each other out. Plus the Rebirth Brass Band is playing - loved those guys since college! - and Marc Broussard. I'm so in love with this race!

The thing is, THIS is mine. Last year was awesome, and it's fantastic that we have inspired so many people, but this is the beginning of my comeback. This race. Last year I could barely walk. I didn't know that I'd ever get better. This year I'm doing it. And though I can't run yet it's just the beginning. I'm coming back.

"Comeback" is such a misnomer. You never get what you had back, the past is the past. All any of us have is what we're creating. All I can say is I'm fortunate. Now that I've accepted how long it's going to  take those little tiny improvements mean something to me. I don't just blow them off anymore.
I wouldn't be attempting this if it wasn't for you. It's boring and frustrating because I'm slow. But your inspiration is what drives me, and all the training I've been doing for this has made a difference that I can see and feel. If I didn't have this race as motivation I really may never had put the necessary time into my full recovery. It's that little bit that kept me going even though I didn't want to.
The collective "YOU" has a lot to do with a certain Dr. Julia Bates, vet school colleague, that set up this crazy thing that has people coming together to do this with me. Cross the Finish Line With Monique. Love you, I can never thank you enough. I need ribbons, or something, for my team! Colors? Paint? I'm pure scientist, should never be in charge of this artsy stuff ha! ;)

Because you need a picture of me on a horse.
This is my Pilates instructor.
Close your eyes, focus on the movement...

PLEASE DON'T FORGET ABOUT NIC! It would be a lie to say this year has been easy on us and we're the perfect couple; it hasn't and we're not. He's a nice guy, it's true, but also smart and fun and talented. He did last year's race with no training. He's running it this year - cheer him on!

SO I got my hair cut, and packing muscle back what to wear? I suck at girly things. Help me out!

This is my weaker arm. I couldn't even tie my shoes. Definition could have been out the window for me. But I've got it.