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Determinational, My Book!

Friday, March 15, 2013

It's Friday, It's Friday! - Is that how that song goes?

Wheelchair ain't getting much use from me lately  But don't feel sorry for it, I think it's met it's higher purpose & is WAY happier:

Picture is coming! You'll have to wait, so sorry!

My knee of course is still not bending which is severely limiting my walking. One of my new exercises is lying on my back in bed with my knees draped over the side. I then kick my legs out, then allowing them passively to come back to rest against the side of the bed. I KNOW this sounds easy, & it is, but since my rectus is constantly firing (I'll introduce you to another word, "hypertonicitty" - too much tone in that muscle) my right leg doesn't drop down as it should. So I do it a lot a lot a lot, again a way to get my brain to override what's happening in the spinal cord (mind over matter so to speak, ha!) It IS getting better, but Wulf says at the rate it's going it will  be 2 years before I can run again and that's just not acceptable, so we'll keep trying different things. This is why I like Helping Hands; they're focused on helping me meet MY goals, which are way more than just being able to get out of the wheelchair.

I'm playing around with a cane now, but only inside the house while Nic is close by. I had this incredibly irrational fear of falling since I started becoming mobile,, even in the wheelchair! Nic would hit a bump or something and I would Freak Out. I guess because I wasn't even strong enough to catch myself. Now that's gone which I guess is good, except I'm prone to take too many chances. I'm having to rein myself in, but I just *feel* like I can walk now, so I constantly forget to hold onto things,. But whatevs, just have to make sure I keep myself safe! No changes in my hand, which is actually the main reason I have to hold back; my reflexes to grab something or catch myself are not working as they need  to be.

Random shot of Reb & Finn
Photo credit: Drew Shawver!

I visited my job yesterday & we're all ready for me to come back to work, hooray! This is amazingly fantastic news; I haven't lost my job & they're going to work with me! They've been Awesome about staying up to date with me & assuring me that I'm not going to get discharged if at all possible. I still have an incredible amount of bills etc but this is a big worry off my mind. I actually need to stress this more HOLY CRAP I NEED MONEY! But it's one more step towards my life becoming normal again. I'm NOT looking forward to the long drive every day & I'm sure I'll be exhausted, but this is way better than not being able to go back.  Maybe the first week of April, or maybe a bit after depending on if social security kicks in. And I'm definitely going to still be in therapy!

Oh, and my left foot started sweating, hooray! *Maybe* my right one too, we'll see. I don't know if I'll ever be able to sweat enough to thermoregulate, but I'm hopeful.
So with this spinal cord injury (and probably everything in life) there's the good, the bad, and  the ugly. And  though I'm fortunate because my good has been Really good lately, I'd be remiss not to tell you about the bad and the ugly. For it's part of me and everything I'm going through. Yet I don't want to, it's hard and embarrassing to admit. but it wouldn't be fair to make this a fairy-tale story for other people going through this Nor would it be fair for me personally to ignore it; life sucks. BUT I'll save it for next time. Or maybe even the time after. ;)

In case you didn't notice, I started every sentence in that last paragraph using Every Single Coordinating Conjunction. Have an awesome day!

1 comment:

  1. Love the nerdy grammar surprise ending! I laughed.
