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Friday, September 27, 2013

Fall Friday Update - it's been almost a year ya'll!

This weekend is the Big Cajun, the Olympic-distance triathlon I was training for last year when I got hit. Between you and me, I was confident I was going to place. It's about a month earlier this year. I was soooo convinced that I'd be able to do it too, but dang I was hurt far worse than I had given myself credit for. Lookin' at next year! ;)

So I'm still deciding what to do with myself, and now that I'm SO much stronger I'm  getting bored in the middle of the day. I mean, there's always computer etc work to do but I picked the veterinary career because I like being physically active (among other things) and there's only so much one can work out daily! So I've decided I should get paid for what I like to do, which is heal right now, and I'm looking for sponsors ;) Well, I contacted one about being an ambassador that I really like and it gave me the idea, so it's kind of backwards, but, I'll let you know how it goes!
BUT ALSO, because I'm realistic, I'm applying for residency programs. That way I can stay a vet and become a specialist, maybe not in research like I was headed before, but we'll see. I'm not the typical candidate but it's the direction I want to try.

I have gotten to the point where I need to start cross training again to do all the cardio I want. I decided to get back into swimming, and swam 1000 yards yesterday, woohoo! It was slow but whatevs I've got big plans.
PS YES I used that same watch, but I'm researching to get  a new one! Sooo much out there!

A year ago today I was in the best shape I had ever been in in my life. This week I've finally been able to push myself as hard as I did then. The results of course are not anywhere near the same, but it feels so so good to be able to work this hard again! It makes everything better, to know that all I need to do is keep doing it and I'll be able to get better. We'll see where I am in a year. Hell, 5 years even. Where will you be? I have a good idea where I'll be.
A year and less than 2 weeks ago today I couldn't feed myself, or tie my shoes. This week I can finally put my hair back again. My left hand has been strong enough, and my right hand's flexors, but now my right hand's extensors are strong enough to open the hair band. It's the little things, and the breaking bad habits like tenodesis so that I allow the proper muscles to heal, that are big.

I promised gross/awesome scar pics, so hear you are. I didn't get all of them, there's a lot, but these should do!


I think there's like 3 on my forehead, starting at my hairline and cutting off half my eyebrow. Then my nose and lip. Nic said the guy suturing played U2 (my fave band) for me while he did it. Awesome.

Random foot scar

My favorite! I didn't even know I had this scar for the longest time.

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