Saturday, July 13, 2013

Friday Update! Oops I mean Saturday - sheesh I need to be employed again!

I walked .45 miles sans cane last Saturday; it was slow and hard but I could do it! I followed it up then with the same the next day with the cane, much faster (though not as fast as I had with the walker!)
THEN, I took a break, because as my therapist had mentioned and my SKB friend Kate had reminded me, I maybe shouldn't be overdoing things right now. And I surely was exhausted! It's hard to know where my limits are, I mean sheesh walking less than 1/2 mile is exhausting? But, yep! All that balancing, it's hard to realize, but that takes a lot of stamina. #slowbuildIguess
My tone has gone down, but still feels crazy up. HOWEVER according to my therapist my tone is much better, and maybe my nerves are just kicking in and my feeling is getting better? I'm going with that. My muscles are all stiff again today but I worked out crazy hard in therapy so maybe that's it. They don't feel sore necessarily, just harder to bend my knee again for example, but part of all this is learning how my body feels in different situations.

I started seeing Keith Terro, chiropractor extraordinaire, again this week. First my quads were ultrasounded - man that stung, it didn't last time! - and then he massaged the heck out of my right quads. Lastly  he kinesio-taped my ankle to help with propriception. MAN my quads HuRt the next day - great news because they hadn't hurt before when he had done the exact same thing! Woohoo yay pain! Well, feeling anyway. Trust me it an't all back but it's a good start. BUT the next day I went to therapy, my PT commented on how I had NO quad resistance whilst he was manipulating it! Coincidence mmaayybbeee but I'm going back again next week fo' sho', heck can't beat it!
I'm also up for giving any and all alternative therapies a try; massage and acupuncture and reflexology and reiki and all that other crazy stuff that I don't necessarily believe in. Wulf said, and it makes sense, that the placebo effect may be a placebo but still is an effect.

I'm open for business ya'll, and already have my first client referral, back in the game! I'm sure I won't make tons of money but it gives me something to focus on. Maybe I should go back to school and be an accountant or something. Don't they make good money and have awesome hours?

What else what else what else... it's racing season again and it's been fun watching, knowing I'll be back at it shortly. Dang ya'll I have some fast friends!
The truth is, if I thought I had no chance on being competitive again I wouldn't try to go back to it; it's what got me hooked in the first place. It's cool if it takes a year or five, I was on such an uptick when I got hit I hate to think that I had lost that chance completely just yet in my life. So we'll just pretend that I hadn't.

Ya'll have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. You haven't lost your "uptick"!!! Look how much you've accomplished since you were injured!! OMG!! Your up be tickin' guh!!! Tommy "W"
