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Determinational, My Book!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


It was coming ya'll. A post just about the black-n-white felines in my house. I can't help it, I'm a veterinarian. And they're adorable. Constant entertainment!
Boxes are for kittens with white Hershey-kiss noses!

Jumbie sportin' the St. Kitts & Nevis colors
(scarf by Nic!)

Jumbie is a 9-year-old "Kittyitian." This is slang for "a cat born on St. Kitts Island." You see, people born on St. Kitts are called "Kittitians," so it only goes to follow. The Caribbean doesn't have ghosts, but "jumbies," and cats are considered jumbies! It even goes so far as some people believe that cats will take away your manhood so men won't enter a household with a cat.
Jumbie was a stray that my colleague was fostering, and who can resist a white Caribbean kitty with a black brush tail? He was smaller than a TV remote control when I got him. Nobody knows his heritage, I would say definitely inbred especially since he has a kink in his tail. There was also rumor of a Hairless getting loose on the island and he definitely has some Sphinx features! He wouldn't want me to tell you this, but he only had one testicle descended, so one of my class's first surgeries was removing the other one. This is very rare in cats!

Jumbie moved back to the States with me. He was champion Centipede Killer on St. Kitts! Now, Rebel will chase him through the house, then he would chase Rebel back through the house, then ride him like Zorro or something. Jumbie also has to snuggle tight tight tight next to you!

********SCHRÖË ********
Nic & I went to see our very talented friends Josh and Julia Allen play with "Freddie Pate's Jamboree" in the tiny tiny town of Jennings buried in Cajun country. The Jamboree was held every month in the historic Strand Theater on Main Street, surrounded by old and many abandoned buildings (and not even one bar!) Freddie Pate was very close to his fan base and Nic and I were the youngest people there, with the exception of people dragging their grandkids along. Ol' Freddie did a lot of announcements after the show, including a couple celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary, and some people from Hawaii that was spending their last night before heading home.
After the show, the Hawaiian people were worriedly searching under a car for something going, "meow meow MEOW!!!" They said they couldn't leave because of this and I was thinking oh man, they need to get going to the airport & there's a kitten under their car! So I said something to the equivalent of, "Stand back, we're professionals at cat wranglin'!" being that I'm a vet & Nic's an SL Zaunbrecher sibling, and sure enough, Nic came out holding the kitten. The people then left, it wasn't even their car, sheesh! I was all worried about them missing their flight and they just couldn't bear the thought of a stray kitten under a car! Sigh. And now Nic's holding this adorable black kitten with white highlights & HE can't bear the thought of putting it down. I even found a home for it but he had already gotten attached to it, and he wasn't even living in Louisiana at the time so it made it even more challenging...but here we are!
She was named after Schrödinger's Cat because he was reading this book by the way!

So they are the yin and yang of the household, and they're pretty much inseparable. Sure, they ACT like they're not, but every once in a while you can sneak up on them and find them sleeping together! BEWARE, I'm sure there are more kitty updates to come!

1 comment:

  1. Only a St. Kitts cat would think it's a leopard and jump off a balcony on people.
