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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Note to My Dog On His 13th Birthday

Most of my awesome pics are inaccessible right now! Oh, well.

Well Reb, what a long, strange road it's been! I remember my last year of undergrad, scouring the Books-A-Million in Baton Rouge, writing tons of notes to figure out what would be the best dog breed for me. I picked Border Collies because not only were they picked as the smartest breed, but they were full of exuberance. What a good match for me! Then I read every dog training book I could get my hands on. settling on Richard Wolters. He's the best out there To This Day. Finally I was on he hunt for breeders and I was recommended Terbo Kennels in Kentucky by an old and dear friend, the (in)famous amazing dog trainer Dick Russell.
Dick's passed away now and the world lost a great man. Heard of Caesar Milan? Dick knew him. We went 3x/week training with Dick, and he's the very main reason our relationship is as awesome as it is. Bruce's now-wife Dani & I went to his house and he'd cook lamb chops he raised himself and we'd drink wine on his porch. Ain't nothing better. We were living with Loey & her dog Amber back then. Amber died recently too. I cried.
We moved in with Holly Lamarche & her cats (Levi had cancer a couple of years ago, I euthanized him at Holly's house, so sad) and our great times continued. You had a job chasing geese off a golf course, and you  made more money than me doing that! I had 2 jobs: at the horse farm you ran & played & knew everyone & every horse; at Perkins Road Veterinary Clinic you would get through THREE doors starting outside on a regular basis to get into the examining room I was working in! You still never leave my side for long.
It was my last year of college, and you went to every party, every bar with me, always a socialite! I miss those days...
National Star!

Your name? Terbo Oran Rebel. Terbo for the kennel you were born in. Oran means "music" in Gaelic, which is where your breed is from, and Rebel was the name of my parents' dog when I was a kid. As a final play on words, "Rebel Music" is a nod to Bob Marley, as I knew we were headed to the Caribbean.

THEN St. Kitts! You & me all alone on this great adventure. You tore up my Millers' Anatomy book in one of my first weeks of vet school, not to mention spreading dirt all over the table and my roommate's bed, sheesh! Not used to me studying all the time instead of playing with you, I suppose.
Rebel & Java, with colleague Cindy Thomas Reher, on St. Kitts!

The agility training had to stop, we didn't have facilities there, but you were the king of the beach! I'd just keep my car windows open, and when it was time to go you'd jump through to the passenger seat. We'd go everywhere together. You'd swim on the surface and follow my bubbles around when I was diving. We went to the St. Christopher Children's Home every week to play with the kids.You even had your own social life. People would approach me and say, "OH, You're Rebel's owner!" We'd go snorkeling around Frigate Bay, limin' with X at the Shiggidy Shack. Not to mention hashing! You'd run up ahead and laugh at me climbing bluffs and such! The kids would argue over who could walk you. And hiking up Liamuiga, the dormant volcano that had something to do with my future son's name!
Overlooking North and South Friars, Nevis in  the background
My favorite pic!

Remember when that guy tried to break into my bedroom and you chased him out? You saved my life!
Me getting hit by Crucial Vibes was a set-back, but we handled it. Living on top of Bird Rock was amazing. Life was so so good.

The move to Mizzou was a good change, but me starting my clinical year did make me stay away from home even longer. Playing in the snow was great though! Caving and trails and acres of dog parks with ponds to swim in...I miss Missouri. South Carolina sucked for both of us. Then we moved to Lafayette and here we are...
Laffy Mardi Gras, 2012

Lake Martin
Photo Credit to Katie and Drew Shawver

Your birthday pic, last year

And life is different. We went through a scary time, then it was just you & me & the kid for years. I guess it's been just you & me for most of your life! You always made me safe and were a constant companion. Now you're deaf, which makes communication difficult, and I'm struggling to walk again. The 2 months that I was in the hospital was the longest we've ever been apart. That was hard for me. You snooze a lot, and we're both so much slower right now. But still, you're awesome with kids, always by my side, well-behaved and sweet. Happy Birthday, Rebel! I love you so much!


  1. Oh my Monique. It takes a lot for me to cry but you did it. Love love love your story! I always think of how good it was that Rebel wasn't in the car the day you got hit in the car. He wouldn't have been here. What a great relationship.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this. You're a great storyteller :) I doesn't seem like he would be 13 years old already! Time flies. I never realized what a constant he's been in your life, that's really cool.
    I love you muchly, you, Liam, Rebel, and Nick.

  3. I just love all of you. May you have many new happy moments together. Happy Birthday, Rebel. ;)
